Sunday, August 26, 2007

Blog vs. Wiki?

Anyone have any thoughts about which pedagogical purposes are best served by a blog and which are best served by a wiki?

Wes Chapman


Suzanne said...


Here is a link to a site that outlines the differences between a blog and a wiki.


LAN said...

I use both blog and wiki for my special topics class: teaching and learning with technology k-12 (Educ 370-2). I use blog for students' reflections or writing journals. My students are required to post reflections and respond to postings on a weekly basis. Here is our blog site

I use wiki for two purposes: (1) simple course website, (2) collaborative student projects. If you open this link you will see first two pages of our course website. Some of the pages are not activated yet. Later this semester links to wiki pages created by my students will be available for viewing. I also created a page containing links of different wikis available online.

You can use wiki for collaborative projects like Webessays (essays that combine images, text, and hyperlinks), writing projects and class textbooks, where two or more students can work collaboratively on the same project.

Patrick McLane said...

I look at blogs and wikis as toolbox with a variety of features. It depends both on the implementation of the tool and your specific need as to which one you choose. I like Blog software that also allows you to create pages and find it a terrific substitute for most faculty web sites. Wikis are terrific for adding dynamic content without worrying about how it's done, as well as the obvious collaboration and background discussion tools.