Friday, June 29, 2007
RSS feeds by any other name would be less confusing
Thursday, June 28, 2007
Instructional strategies for blogging
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
Wiki in Plain English
It does a great job of explaining Wikis in plain english.
If you enjoy this video, go back and read Stephanie's comment to Rick's post and view the video she includes there.
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Kira's Gateway
With so many ideas to consider, I am trying to be reasonable! Podcasting might have to wait. If I could just stumble upon those secret extra hours in the day….
In addition to the blogs, I want to pilot using Facebook as a discussion tool for class. I’ve joined and become addicted and already have had students “befriend” me. With the amount of time students report spending on Facebook, I think it would be great to harness some of that energy for the course. I propose creating a group that will be by permission only and will be accessible only to students in the class as a place to chat about course topics. I will encourage students to write on the wall of the group rather than writing wall-to-wall. However, the group interactions will most likely foster camaraderie among the students- a welcome byproduct.
Those are my thoughts. I am open to suggestions!
Monday, June 25, 2007
Spanish Composition Class
Frank and everybody,
I will start using Wikis for one for my classes next semester, and I am planning on start using them little by little in the Basic Spanish classes. Next semester I will be teaching a Composition Class. For this class we use a book called “Composition Through Literature”. In this book we read short stories, we answer questions related to them, we study some vocabulary and then we study some grammar. For this specific class I am going to use a Wiki for the vocabulary of each chapter, and we are going to have another one to do some creative writing.
- Vocabulary
I am going to type some of the most relevant words for each short story (I already have them) on a Wiki. Then students and I are going to be giving definitions and examples of those words in context and in the short story. I am also thinking that it would be a good idea to have my students create some activities at the end of the Wiki.
How it’s going to work
I must also add that we read eight short storied in the semester which means we are going to have eight Wikis for vocabulary. Each Wiki will be a responsibility for two of the students (they are responsible for the “final product”) but everybody in class must participate in the Wiki (including myself).
How it was before
In the previous semesters, students have to do (in paper) some exercises from the book related to the vocabulary of each chapter and when we came to class we review some of those exercises. A problem I had was that only some of the would participate in the discussion.
- Choose your own adventure
I went to a conference and in one presentation they talked how in a French class they are using Wikis for creative writing. What they do it’s divide the class in groups and each group it’s responsible for parts of the story. So I think it would be a good idea to have one creative writing paper along with the other papers my students write for this class.
How it’s going to work
I usually have fifteen students in this class so I was thinking to have three different stories for the class. The topics for each one of them could be: horror, love, sci-fi, or anything the students select. It is very important they chose their own topic. Then each student would write his/her part of the story. I have not decided how long it’s going to be but I am working on that.
The grade will be based in the final product, the process and the participation of each student from the group.
One final thing it’s that I will have a part in each one of the stories.
How it was before
I didn’t do anything like this before…so we’ll see how it goes…
Sunday, June 24, 2007
Bill Kauth
Thursday, June 21, 2007
IWU in Barbara Ganley's blog
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
my other blog is a Porsche
I run or contribute to three or four blogs pretty regularly and I have to make a concerted effort to keep up that pace. In certain cases the habit can become something more, a regular idle-time activity. In others it can become therapeutic or even addictive. In still others the content is dry enough to make it clearly a task for work hours only. I just hope that a few teachers at Illinois Wesleyan give it that first bit of effort - set up feeds to consume the content (I'll help with that), then make it a habit to write a bit. Let's communicate!
Thursday, June 14, 2007
Getting Started
One final thanks to everyone for your participation in last week's workshop. Our ad hoc planning group from the Mellon Center, Ames, and IT have already met once to discuss how we can continue the conversation. We've got a plan for the summer, anyway.
In the short term, we plan to maintain the wiki as a repository of resources on instructional technology and pedagogy, including links to tools or articles that might be of interest. For those who need cyber-directions back to the wiki, here is the url:
We have also created this blogspace as a venue to be used for comment and discussion. The IWU Teaching Blog will also be the place to post your plans for any new pedagogy or assignment that are incorporated in a course as a result of the workshop. You might remember that the Mellon Center will offer an additional $100 stipend for submitting a brief description of your curricular innovation. The blog posting need only be 250 words long.
To emphasize a conclusion we reached on the last day of the workshop, by "innovation" we mean one aspect of one course. For example, a single assignment or a structured component of the course's participation grade will be sufficient. Large-scale curricular revisions are great, to be sure, but certainly not expected or required for the nominal stipend.
One way to ensure that you get any new information from the workshop would be to subscribe to an RSS feed from our blog. You might remember that the RSS feeds can be delivered directly to your email client or web browser. If you have problems or questions on how to subscribe or on the options for subscription, please let us know.
Finally, some logistical details. The $250 stipend for participation in the workshop will appear in your July paycheck. Later in the summer, we will post an additional $100 for your blog posting that includes a description of your new pedagogical approach or assignment.
More later,